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Chinook Football: all BEET, no SUGAR

This week the Chinook 'Beeters concluded their home games for their season by hosting the Simms' Tigers. Under the full moon, the 'Beeter boys wasted no time on the field.

Quarter one began and Nissen wasted no time in recovering a loose ball meeting with McKenzie, who barreled to the endzone and scored the first touchdown of the game. With an incomplete pass, the conversion was no good. 6-0. Metcalf and Murnion were not letting any Tigers return any yards, while Parson Nissen secured the second touchdown of the game. The conversion fell short leaving us with a score of 12-0. Standiford, McKenzie, Davies, and Nissen were electrifying the field with great yard returns. Metcalf made for a good reception leading the 'Beeters' score to 18-0 with an incomplete conversion. The 'Beeters were relentless taking charge of the field. Standiford finished the end of quarter one strong with a touchdown and a good 2-point conversion. 26-0.

In quarter two, the Tigers decided to give some bite back and made it difficult for the 'Beeters to score. This did not stop the 'Beeter boys from making two more touchdowns with two incomplete conversions. The 'Beeters left quarter two with a score of 38-0, thankful to Nordboe for an amazing reception.

With quarter three underway and Simms picking up momentum in their defense, this made for an amazing football game. Within ten minutes, Valdez ran the length of the field to relish in bringing his team up further on the scoreboard. 44-0. The Tigers returned the favor with a touchdown and a complete one-point conversion putting them at 7-44. As both teams kept their defense tight, it didn't stop Crowley from receiving the ball with seventeen seconds left and ending quarter three with a buzzer-beating touchdown and good two-point conversion. 52-7.

The Chinook Sugarbeeters were supercharged this game and that didn't stop in quarter four. With amazing yard returns, and stops to the Tigers, Cooper Standiford made the final touchdown with an incomplete conversion leaving the Tigers in the dust. The game concluded with a final score of 58-7. It is very clear that the Chinook boys and their coaches have an amazing foundation and dynamic. There is no denying that it's not always something in the water, but the amazing character of a team that can fulfill and carry out the mind of a coach.

Next weeks actions will determine playoff placements and possibilities of any future home games.

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