We've Got The County Covered
Hello From the
Chinook Senior Center
December was a whirlwind of activities here at the Center. We had many different things that were enjoyed by all who attended. January also looks like we will continue to see lots of activities here, and we hope that you will come in and enjoy all that we offer. Many of these activities do not have any cost associated with them. While Bingo is still 25 Cents a card, that is amazing, because most centers are charging one dollar per card. We will be gathering for movies, here and there, and would love for you to join us for snacks and a movie. There is no cost to you to come for our movie days. Normally, our movies will be shown on Wednesdays @ 1:00.
We play Pinochle every other Friday, for the small cost of ONE dollar to play. Think about joining this fun gathering of people for laughter. You don’t have to be a great player. You just need to show up! It is important that you call ahead, so that we can match our numbers up for our tables, however. Our current schedule for Pinochle will be Fri., Jan. 17th & Fri., Jan. 31st @ 2:00.
We have obtained our “Copyright License” to show movies and will be showing a movie at least once weekly. We search what people might enjoy and determine which movies to show. There is something to be said for gathering together with our neighbors and friends and spending time together. Just because it is cold outside does not mean that you should stay home. Come in. Visit with people. SOCIALIZATION IS KEY TO GOOD HEALTH. Make a resolution to do more of that.
We will once again have a Special Valentine’s menu, to include games and FUN! We all need FUN!
We serve amazing, nutritious, delicious meals at an absurdly low cost. If you have not joined us, you truly should. As always, we ask that you call prior to 10:00 a.m. to either join us in our dining room, or have a meal delivered, IF you truly are unable to come in. You must be 60 years of age or older and you must come in and fill out a brief form, so that we are able to receive funding to continue to grow our Center and our community.
We are proud of this Center and all that we offer. Be a part of your community. Be a part of something fun. Be a part of our Center and find out all that we do and offer. GET IN HERE!
Oh, and Happy, Healthy New Year to all who cross our path.
Wed., Jan. 15th: Chicken Noodle Casserole
Thurs., Jan. 16th: Ham, Cheese & Egg Casserole
Fri., Jan. 17th: Baked Potato Bar
Mon., Jan. 20th: Minestrone Soup
Tue., Jan. 21st: Chicken Stir Fry
Where can you find a good, balanced, nutritious meal for $7.00? ONLY HERE!
We have it. Cornhole, Cards, Coffee, Cookies, Fellowship, Friendship and a heart for our community. GET IN HERE! BE BLESSED AND ALWAYS, ALWAYS, BLESS OTHERS.