During last Tuesday’s Chinook City Council meeting, an interim mayor was appointed to replace Mayor Glen Huestis who resigned Feb. 5 due to health issues. The Council voted to approve council member Robert Smith for the role to fill the vacancy until the end of the term this November. With the appointment, it leaves a vacancy on the council which needs filled with an appointment of a new member. Smith has been serving as mayor in Huestis’s absence.
In other business, the council discussed the progress of the waste water project. Concern was raised about whether the alleys that had been dug up would be returned to their previous state after all the new sewer lines were put in. It was mentioned some alleys are in rough shape at this time. The council suggested that the company doing the work go with City Shop Foreman Josh Nordboe to make sure all work is satisfactory at the completion of the project.
A city tree ordinance was also adopted outlining what the city can and can’t do with trees. This will allow participation in grants that will help with buying trees for replacement, as well as the cost of maintaining the trees and the trimming or removal of nuisance trees. Discussion was held on the right to go on private property and remove trees that may be a hazard or trimming nuisance trees as well as possibly fining homeowners.
Bob Feist made a presentation to the board about progress on Marjorie Feist Park. He had met with the city crew to discuss a good place for some new playground equipment and a possible fenced in dog park. Discussion was held on possibly using the old fencing from the swimming pool when work begins this summer. Feist has been writing grants and receiving donations to fund the projects. New trees had been planted two years ago, and renovation of the horseshoe pits were completed last summer.
Discussion was also held about stream gauges in the flood plain area, mostly along Red Rock Creek. Money had been budgeted for installation, which will proceed, but discussion was held about the need to pay for maintenance and inspection later. No action was taken.