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Big Flat 4H Meeting Minutes

The January meeting of Big Flat 4-H Club was held on January 19, 2025 at 2:00 at the Turner Christian Church. The American pledge was led by Isabella Van Voast and the 4-H pledge was led by Isaac Klindworth. Members present: Modesty Chamberlain, Avery Fox, Piper Fox, Mason Freidrich, Hannah Klindworth, Isaac Klindworth, Natalie Richman, Jessa Schroder, Hannah Van Voast and Isabella Van Voast. Leaders present were Shannon and Alan Van Voast and Hilary Richman. Pau was our visitor.


Treasurer’s Report said a balance of $1,406.59.

Isabella gave a report on the swimming party at Sleeping Buffalo.

Piper gave a report on the bake sale from November. Discussion was had and we decided to not do the bake sale next year but only cinnamon roll and chili sales.

Natlie gave a report on Achievement Night in November.

Old business:

Plans were finalized for winter project day. February 9 at 11AM at the Harlem Library and Little Rockies Senior Citizen. Everyone is supposed to be there at 10:45. Classes being offered:

Cupcake class by Shannon Van Voast

Leather hat class by Hilary Richman

Electrical wiring by Alan Van Voast

Photography by Stephanie Silva

LQA by Juli Snedigar

STEM class by Hilary Richman

The office is bringing lunch for everyone. Sign up on ZSuite to register.

New business:

The People partner grant is due February 14. Hannah Van Voast, Isabella Van Voast and Piper Fox are on the grant writing committee. We are going to apply for money to help pay for shelves to store the town Christmas lights in the Big Flat Community Storage unit.

New family workshop at the extension office on January 26.

At our February meeting we are going to prepare gift bags for the residents of Little Rockies. Each family is asked to bring one small item for all the residents of Little Rockies. The February meeting was changed to start at 1:00 at the Harlem Library on February 16, 2025.

When the meeting was done, Isaac did a demonstration on “Christmas Wassail” and Hannah did a demonstration on “Chocolate egg pudding.”

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